Kurtus Richter
Interesting Historical Information on Guitars and Modes
I included in my lesson book a discussion on the origins of Modes, and a concise history of the guitar, with additional
information on Modes online. Beginner and advanced players may find the information both interesting and useful.
On the site linked below, click "Blog" at upper left, then scroll down to
Lessons 4, The Origins of Modes (or page 66 in the PDF file), and
Lessons 5, History of the Guitar (or page 76 in the PDF file), as well as
Lessons 13, Other Modes (online only).
I believe dedicated Jazz players will find Lessons 4 and 13 especially informative, if they have not yet exposed themselves
to such knowledge. Helpful scale diagrams are included in Lessons 13.
Of course, everything I give in my lesson book and webpage can be found discussed elsewhere online by other people,
but here is my contribution to the lore anyway.
I included in my lesson book a discussion on the origins of Modes, and a concise history of the guitar, with additional
information on Modes online. Beginner and advanced players may find the information both interesting and useful.
On the site linked below, click "Blog" at upper left, then scroll down to
Lessons 4, The Origins of Modes (or page 66 in the PDF file), and
Lessons 5, History of the Guitar (or page 76 in the PDF file), as well as
Lessons 13, Other Modes (online only).
I believe dedicated Jazz players will find Lessons 4 and 13 especially informative, if they have not yet exposed themselves
to such knowledge. Helpful scale diagrams are included in Lessons 13.
Of course, everything I give in my lesson book and webpage can be found discussed elsewhere online by other people,
but here is my contribution to the lore anyway.