Welcome To TheGuitarForum.net!

Guitar Dude

The Guitar Forum
Staff member
Founding Member
Hey There,

I just wanted to send you a warm welcome to the forum. As you can see, it's just in it's infancy. I was gonna wait until I have everything put together before I opened it up to the public, but decided to open it up now instead.

"Why would you do that, Guitar Dude?" you ask...

Well, because even though I run the forum, it's YOUR forum. Therefore, I want YOU to have a say in what goes on here, as well as your help in shaping the forum into what YOU will find useful - not what I THINK you'll find useful.

You'll see in the Main Category section a forum called "The Guitar Forum Site Suggestions". Please use this area for any and all suggetions, critiques, etc that you may have for the board. Also, I've already added a fair number of "nodes" (forums/subforums). But would really prefer to add more of the ones that you would like to see here. So, if you have any suggestion for these, please add them to the "New Subforum Requests" subforum, located just below the Suggestions subforum.

So, that's it for now. Have fun using the forum, and let me know if there's anything I can do to enhance your experience!
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